There are many ways to be involved and contribute to the Parish and local communities. From prayer and social groups, to helping out with the running of the Parish, there is sure to be something for you that will be personally rewarding and beneficial to the Parish community too.
Celebration of the Mass
There are many aspects of the daily and weekend Masses that rely on the generous support of many volunteers. New help is always sought after. Here are some of the areas you could be involved:
Altar Servers
Liturgy and Children's Liturgy
Collection Counters
Eucharistic Ministers
Prayer & Faith
To help deepen your prayer life with learn more about the faith, there are a number of activities across our three churches for people at all stages of their faith journey.
Monthly Benediction
Eucharistic Adoration
Special faith events
Religious retreats
Justice & Peace
Social & Special Events
Our regular social events are featured on Events page, including those listed below. We also hold various events throughout the year - keep an eye on our Events page for more info.
UCMW events
Coffee mornings
Social events
The running of the Parish also involves many volunteers. Here are some of the areas you could be involved:
Finance and Property Council
Prayer Group